Building an IoT solution with Azure Event Hubs and Stream Analytics – Part 2

In Part 1 of this multi-part series blog, we talked about EventHubs and the design patterns that enable it to perform at high throughputs. In this blog post we will create use EventHub for collecting data from a publisher, we will also create a Consumer that can receive the published events.

Problem Scenario

Our problem situation is a fictitious automotive company Contoso Motor Works (CMW). CMW has built their next generation Telemetry system to collect frequent data streams from the vehicles. The data will be used for performing preventive maintenance and near real time analytics for example to provide notifications to the driver in case the engine oil goes below the level. Contoso has chosen EventHub and Stream Analytics to achieve the anticipated scale for their North America vehicle rollout.

The high-level design looks something like this:

Note that since this is a simplified scenario we only output the results in a CSV. In a real world scenario, you can do more powerful stuff such push the results into another EventHub and have a Consumer that sends push notifications using Notification Hubs, etc. I will cover some of those in the next section of this series.

Creating our Data Model

We need to represent Telemetry data from the Vehicle that will be sent as the Event datastream, the following represents a simplistic model for our fictitious scenario:

public class VehicleStream : Entity


public int TirePressure { get; set; } // Ignore using psi, using a standard int

public int FuelGaugeLevel { get; set; }

public int EngineOilLevel { get; set; }

public int OdoMeterReading { get; set; }

public bool VTUStatus { get; set; }


Continue reading “Building an IoT solution with Azure Event Hubs and Stream Analytics – Part 2”